Been a while since I've made a news post, but since this is basically my home, I should probably make an update here with my plans for the year.
These past two months have been packed with me getting my bank account sorted, and reading up on the more complex aspects of running a business. Every time I need to make a phone call, it delays progress quite a bit. I'm a nervous mess on the phone, and it's been a blessing that it only took one phone call to resolve the issues requiring one. All that's left is to acquire my sales tax permit, and I should be set.
Anyways, as of now, these are my goals for the year:
- start & maintain animation commissions
- iron out all the hiccups in my animation process
- make more movies on Newgrounds
- get an actual desktop computer
- learn Japanese grammar
- (dip toes into live streaming?)
- (get comfortable with picking up the phone?)
- (make some animation friends?)
My ultimate goal is to become the best animator I can, which is why I wanna take on animation commissions. Basically I want to outsource the prompts I use in animation practice, as I'm not very creative on my own. I'd also like to find some place in the "sakuga" animation community, so talented people can correct my lacking animation skills.
I have some other major goals, but I'll save the details for another time.
All in all, pretty exciting stuff. I'm already like 80% of the way through resolving my problems, though it might take some time for the remaining 20% to kick in.